The Presbyterian Church (USA)
The Presbyterian Church (U.S.A.) has more than 1.9 members in more than 10000 congregations and worshiping communities answering Christ's call to mission. Homestead United Presbyterian Church is part of this denomination.
Pittsburgh Presbytery
Located on the North Shore in Pittsburgh, PA, the Pittsburgh Presbytery is responsible for the PC(USA) churches in the area. As part of this presbytery, the Homestead United Presbyterian Church reports to the South Branch of Pittsburgh Presbytery.
Synod of the Trinity
An intermediate governing body encompassing Pennsylvania and parts of Ohio and West Virginia with sixteen presbyteries and 1342 churches, including Homestead United Presbyterian Church.
General Assembly
The General Assembly is the national governing body of the Presbyterian Church (USA).
The Presbyterian Mission Agency
The Presbyterian Mission Agency is faithfully working to inspire, equip, and connect all Presbyterians to do Christ's mission, bringing together congregations, worshiping communities, mid councils, mission networks, and other parts of the church ecosystem as they nurture and shape disciples and serve Christ in the world.